Want Your Brand To Be The Only Thing Your Customer Sees, Then Shake Hands With 56Pay’s White-label Payment Solution

No more redirecting your customer to a different page for payments. That means you can use your own logo and business name and have your own personalized payment gateway page increasing your own brand’s value.
white label payment solution

Let Us Explain The White-label Payment Gateway

With the help of a White label payment gateway, you can have your own personalized payment solution. Earlier, when your customer made the online payment, they used to be directed to a different page. And this page contains the different brands’ names, logos, items, etc. This could be the reason for cart abandonment if they see better options somewhere else; directly or indirectly, these brands are increasing their brand awareness through your payment process. These all are not very beneficial for your business, so with the help of white-label, you can:

white label payment processing

Significant Benefits Of Using A White-label Payment Method

Using a white-label payment gateway will save time and resources that you would otherwise have spent on testing, developing, and launching your brand’s payment solution. Here are some benefits of white-label that you will get:

Magnify your brand's visibility:

You can enhance your brand’s visibility on the web if you have your own integrated payment gateway. Your brand will be on the top of your customer’s heads if you do something different from what other brands are already following. Your brand will get more recognition this way, which is good for your business.

Customer loyalty:

How will you feel if you have to make an online payment on a third-party payment gateway? It feels suspicious, right? That is what your customer would feel if you do not have your own payment gateway with your brand’s logo and name. This results in cart abandonment, which could be harmful to your business if it happens often. With a white-label payment solution, you will be able to show your legitimacy to your customer better.

Secure payment:

When you opt for a white-label payment gateway, you show your legitimacy and security measures. With 56Pay, you will get a PCI-DSS compliance standards payments gateway. Also, having a payment gateway makes it easy for your customers to make online payments.

Who Can Use A White-label Payment Gateway?

A white-label payment gateway is not just for big brands; if you are a startup or any small business, you can still use such exclusive services. You can also have customized white-label payment processing for your business. This way, you will be able to establish strong brand awareness in front of your customer.

white label payment gateway solution

Do Not Let Others Decide;
Choose What Your Customer Needs And Customize As Per Your Choice